
Archive for May 1st, 2008

Well, the getting out of bed on their own part, anyway. We’ll see how the rest of the morning goes. Just for fun I took my camera up and started taking pictures, telling them I wouldn’t stop until they got out of bed. It took a lot longer for them to decide to get up than I would have imagined. They did ride their bikes again, and the school hasn’t called wondering where they are, so I’m assuming they made it safely.

I should admit that even though *I* didn’t follow them yesterday (or today), my sister-in-law did…so it’s still kind of like I’m watching them…

The really good deal I thought I got yesterday was also a fluke. At Staples, I found a Webcam on their clearance rack — originally $84.99, marked down to $39.50. When I checked out, it actually rang up at $12.50. I was so excited!!! What a deal!!!

Yeah, right. Darn thing doesn’t work. And it appears that it might have actually be a return. The manual smells like cigarette smoke and has handwriting on one of the pages.

So now, instead of having chats via webcam with my 2 year old nephew, I have to box it all back up, and remember to take it and the receipt back to Staples the next time I go up there, which might not be for two weeks, and you know darned well I’m not making a special trip, with gas approaching $4/gallon.

In quilting news: the binding I’ve been complaining about is finally finished. Now I need to get a hanging sleeve on this crazy thing. I really hate hanging sleeves.

I’d better quit procrastinating and get the sleeve (and a label!) done.

Have a great day!


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