
Archive for November 18th, 2007

What’s on your bed?

Over the past few weeks, I’ve seen this question show up on a number of blogs that I read, adn this is the first chance I’ve had to go take a picture of my bed (first, I had to change the sheets and MAKE the bed…)

This is mostly a question about the QUILT that might be on your bed, but I’m going to digress and talk about my sheets, too., because that’s the most exciting thing on the bed right now.

We have a Select Comfort bed (my sleep number is 95! LOL!), and it is an Expanded Queen. I would have loved to have gotten a King, but our headboard is Queen sized, so we went with this size instead. It is 66 by 80 (instead of 60 by 80). You wouldn’t think that 6 inches makes much of a difference, but it does!

The only trouble is that our choice in sheets is very limited. And they are expensive. The last 2 sets we bought were from Sears and the quality was terrible. Last night we were at the mall, and I stopped in to see how much the Select Comfort brand sheets were — they were on sale! They only had them in Caramel (not a color I would actually choose), but we decided it didn’t really matter since it is usually dark when we are in there anyway.


I can’t wait to sleep under the new sheets tonight — they are very silky and smooth!

The quilt that is on the bed is something I made several years ago. The pattern is Minnesota Hot Dish by Terry Atkinson.  It is actually a King-sized quilt, because I think there is nothing worse than not having enough covers.

One of these years I want to paint the walls and get rid of the carpet.  Eventually, I want to hang a quilt on the wall that is on the right in the picture.  I’m having trouble it quilted, though.  I have quilted and unquilted parts of this poor thing 2 times now.


I think it’s fear:  it’s my own quilt, and it’s going to hang on my wall, where I can see it, and I want it to be “perfect.”   It’s nearly the best piecing I’ve ever done, and I’m fearful of “ruining” it.

There is great irony in all of this fear, though, because I’m famous for telling people in my classes that finished is better than perfect. I KNOW that I’m my own worst critic…but sometimes I don’t seem to be able to take my own advice.

I’m trying to get over myself and just get it quilted, but there are a number of quilts that I need to get done first.  And of course I would need to paint the wall first….

So, that’s what is on my bed:  what’s on yours?  If you haven’t posted to your blog yet, I hope you will consider doing so — make sure you leave me a comment if  you do!



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