
Archive for November 25th, 2007


More pictures tomorrow when the light is better. As in: when there actually IS light, as opposed to right now, when it is pitch-black outside.

(And by finished, I mean quilted and BOUND, with a finished binding!)

And in the dryer — another Christmas quilt that I finished quilting a few weeks ago. I finally decided (as with the Snowman Rows) that if I wanted it done anytime soon, a machine finished binding was in order.

Oh, and tomorrow I’ll take a picture of the Christmas ornament that the Star Baby fabric reminds me of.

I tried to rewrite that sentence so that it didn’t end with a preposition, and I just can’t do it right now.  It’s beyond my capabilities at this hour of the night, apologies to anyone that might be bothered.

As for how I accomplish so much:  my studio and office are a MESS, I have a very tolerant family, and I have a tendency to hyper-focus when I’m in the throes of something.

After this weekend of crazy sewing, I’ll probably sit around eating bon-bons for a week.  Or something…….



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