
Archive for November 13th, 2007


My husband has the ability to focus on a project or task to the exclusion of all else. He keeps going, for hours if need be, until the job is done. Oh sure — he’ll stop for meals or if the boys (or I) need something, but then he goes back to work.

Not me. Boy howdy, I cannot concentrate on anything. I flit around from idea to idea, from project to project. Eventually I do finish things, but I’m a lot like Pigpen with bits and pieces of projects floating behind in my wake.

The rest of this post started to sound a little whiny again, so I deleted it. Suffice it to say that I need to start channeling my husband and focus on some things over the rest of the week, rather than flitting around.

I did have great intentions of photographing some things (including some awesome mail today!) and I just….never managed it!

It’s on my list for tomorrow, though.

One thing that I am finding very appealing about digital scrapbooking is that when I turn off my computer — the mess is completely contained and not laying around all over the place.

Here’s a page I started tonight.  It still needs tweaking, and I’m debating about adding some journaling.  I’m not sure about the lettering and how I implemented that, it’s not quite what I had in mind.  I do like the textured background, though.


(Click to view it larger).

I am way behind on responding to comments.  Profuse apologies, I will try to catch up tomorrow.  I’m also way behind on reading my list of blogs.  And ya’ll keep writing more, so I keep getting behinder! (That is SO a word, spell check, don’t even try to make me change it.)

For now, though, I think I’ll go focus on some sleep.


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